Sunday, September 23, 2007

No Civil Rights for Transsexuals

United States Federal Appeals Court has ruled that transsexuals have no civil rights.

Sam's written ruling said that a 1989 U.S. Supreme Court ruling banning
discrimination against people who do not meet the stereotype of their gender
- an effeminate man or a butch woman - does not apply to the transgendered.

African-Americans fought a long and hard for their civil rights. Litigation only took it so far, it took enormous grassroots action to get things going.

At what point will we finally just agree that ALL citizens get civil rights? Must we really spell it all out in the supreme court? Yes you Ma'am who were born male and transitioned to female, and you Sir born female, and you too who are intersexed having features both male and female... all of you get to have the same rights your parents and grandparents take for granted.

Meanwhile good ole' HRC (that's Human Rights Campaign) keeps transhealth on the back burner for fear of pissing off the insurance companies. If it WERE on the front burner major corporations wouldn't be able to get near the list of "cool" companies without providing full transhealth coverage... which, in my book means a whole lot more than transsexuals don't get denied coverage outright. Health care or lack thereof is another subject all to itself. The topic of the day is civil rights.

Does ANYONE ELSE out there remember this song? It's the same old song and same old sad sad song and sorrier dance my friends. All minorities get it at one point or another. The old don't ask for too much, just be grateful for what little you've got. That dish of slop has been handed around for way too long already. It doesn't taste any better cold.

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