Thursday, September 20, 2007

Outside the Gender Box

Some say gender is a simple binary equation
XY chromosomes and a penis equals male
XX chromosomes and vagina equals female

Some say it's a continuum
female at one end male at the other
the space between all shades of pink to purple to blue?

My tendency is to resist the usual gender norms
I think of it more as a splatter
it's not a neat and tidy equation

it's nature it's messy
elegant splatter closeup
when properly in focus quite beautiful

God help you if you have two X's and a phallus
or a vagina and a Y
or any other of the myriad variations found in nature

God help you if your brain has been telling you all your life
that you are a boy if you weren't born with a penis
yes God may help you - your culture will not

Society as it is now has no room for anything different
if it is outside the neat little box of binary
then it's judged "unnatural"

'God doesn't make mistakes'
I know that I am definitely NOT a mistake
I have a place in this world

I am not a birth defect
I have been given the will and the strength to walk this path
regardless of society's disdain

I am not alone
I am not the first
and I certainly am not the last

so you may as well make room
in your brain and your world
for those who don't fit neatly into the box

because we're here
we always have been
we're not going away

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