Wednesday, October 3, 2007


enda/genda what exactly is your agenda?

Yes I read the "back story"
Yes I think it's rather lame.
Listen up.
HRC is missing the point.

Separating the trans from the homo
is cutting us off at the knees.

If the Human Rights Campaign is in fact working
for "gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights"
they must keep the "transgender" in there.

Like it or not the "T" has been around at the "front lines"
since way before the stonewall riots.
We will be around long after HRC crumbles into dust.

Whether one id's as trans aside:
it is how well one can or cannot conform
with the "norms" of gender presentation
that will bring out what most folks consider
homophobia from the phobes out there.

I cannot imagine separating these issues.
It's certainly not productive.

Our communities may be incredibly diverse
but they are also intertwined.

Does HRC only advocate equal rights for the gender conforming,
the straight acting and appearing?

How assimilationist of you HRC.

If a homosexual were to conform gender wise
in appearance, affect and dress...
then most folks wouldn't know you were a homosexual
until and if you told them so.

Clearly it is the cultural obsession with
binary gender mania slash transphobia
that is the root of it.

Leave the T behind and
not only are you counter to the goals
you profess to aim for
but you cut yourself off at the knees

you deny the reality of the history of the queer community
you deny the reality of the present

it is not equal rights you are fighting for
if the qualifier is one must look, act, and present like everyone else

Are you an advocacy group
or do you merely exist to assuage corporate guilt
and provide a healthy tax break.

Yes I am disappointed
Yes I am angry
Yes I shall send donations elsewhere

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